Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Is This Love? You Decide.

Another Life with Al post. Did you think I'd forgotten?

Of course not.

I shall start with 3 am, May 9, 2020. I woke up hot and got up to move a small fan to the bedside table on the other side of the room. Unfortunately, there was one of those flexible, folding baskets in my path. My little toe caught the edge and I tripped forward. It hurt. It hurt really bad, but I didn't realize how badly until Angel and Carly wanted their breakfast at 6:30 am

As a result, I've basically been upper-level banned at home since then. Which means, Al brings me breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, water. Basically, anything I ask for. He's also taken up the duties of feeding Angel and Carly, which means between 6 and 7, both am and pm. See the honey and the electric kettle. This is in the bedroom.

Today is Wednesday, and the top, right half of my foot is black. Luckily the swelling has gone down considerably. He asked me what I wanted for breakfast. I asked him if he'd eaten. Here is the conversation:

Me: Did you eat?
Al: Yes. What would you like?
Me: What did you have?
Al: I mixed Raisin Bran, with Coco Puffs, and Cinnamon Crunch. Plus extra raisins.
Me: Oh. Well, I wouldn't mind the Raisin Bran. But I don't really like raisins so I don't want extra.
Al: Okay.

It took him twenty minutes to bring up cereal and milk.
This is why!

Yes, he picked out all of the raisins.
Is this love or what!

I would say........ It's LOVE.

I love you, Al.


hyddyr said...

It's the little things. <3

Kathy L Wheeler said...

Yes. They do have a way of reminding us.

Sadira Stone said...

What a prince!