Tuesday, August 4, 2015


A couple of weeks ago I was speaking at the Pen & Keyboard writing group, an affiliate chapter of the OWFI, Inc. Their genre is widespread compared to OKRWA who is specific to writing romance.

The group was most gracious. My friend Eva Mahoney and the President of Pen & Keyboard, Vivian, asked me to speak "On Writing Romance". So I did.

Al is very supportive in my writing endeavors. And I hope that someday I can earn my way through my writing.

During my talk Al was busy taking notes that included things like:

You were nervous about halfway through, but it got better.
You talked to fast when you got to sub genres, I couldn't write it all down.
You mentioned heat levels but you didn't explain, I don't know what that means....

Things of that nature. In any event, after all the members had left I asked him what Vivian's last name was. Here is the conversation:

Kathy: Did you get Vivian's last name? I want to send her a note...

Al: Leigh

Kathy (stop): No. No, Vivian Leigh played in Gone With the Wind and Streetcar Named Desire. I don't think her name is Vivan Leigh...

Al (thinks for a second): Zabel. Z - A - B - E  - L

Kathy: right...thanks.

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